A Christmas Vision in the Voice of St. Nicholas

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A Christmas Vision in the Voice of St. Nicholas.

A reprint of this envelope, originally published by Ganglia Press in December 198o as Intermediate Series (IS) 19.

Ottawa, Room 3o2 Books, 7 december 1998. 15 lettered copies issued as grOnk Inadmissible Series #6 (mis#d 5). 4 variously-sized offset broadsides in 9-1/2 x 4-1/4 envelope printed rubberstamp & pencil holograph. a concrete poem. a publication plagued by variations & misprintings, this is the 6th issue (not counting the first state of the uncut sheet), perhaps 5oo copies all told.

About A Christmas Vision in the Voice of St. Nicholas

Known Dates

Publication Date: 1998

Known Contributors

John W. Curry (jwcurry)



Genres: Ephemera

Tags: concrete poetry, Room 3o2 Books, Ganglia

Archived File

Digitized by: gbetts, March 4, 2016

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