Papers Delivered at The Symposium of Linguistic Onto-Genetics

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Papers Delivered at The Symposium of Linguistic Onto-Genetics held in Toronto, Canada November 20, 21, 1981.

Together with papers undelivered at Un Fair not held in Toronto, Canada January 28th, 1984.

To which is appended A Correspondence relating to UN FAIR & L’AFFAIRE ”PATAPHYSIQUE.

Toronto: grOnk Final Series #5 (March 1985).
134 pages, printed in an edition of 100 copies.

Colophon: "Distributed in the great / now-you-see-it-now-you-don't / tradition by / grOnk"


Table of Contents

bpNichol “A Brief Introduction”

Michael Dean “An Introduction from the Chair”

A Note on the Logo

Schedule of Events


The Symposium of Linguistic Onto-Genetics

Michael Dean “The Imagination of Aldo Breun”

bpNichol “Digging up the Pas t”

Richard Truhlar “The Problemmatic Stasis of Macrosyntactical Structure in Language”

Gaylord Wordsmith III “Machine Language / Heart Language”

Adrian Fortesque “Archeo-Linguistics Only a Stone’s Throw”

Steve McCaffery “The Perseus Project: Paleogorgonization and the Sexual Life of Fossils”

Janine Mathee “The Alphabet Speaks”


Photos by Michael Collins


Papers to have been delivered at UN FAIR

Lleddir Nhah-Nhoj “The Straytext Device: Pure and Applied Research in Mutational Field Theory”


bpNichol “From The Ferniss of History: Proto-Fern Texts: Windows on Meaning”

Adrian Fortesque “The Un Fair”

Brian Dedora “The Leap at the Lansdowne Subway Station”


A Correspondence relating to UN FAIR & L’AFFAIRE ”PATAPHYSIQUE.

Letters between Lleddir Nhah-Nhoj, Michael Dean, and John Riddell.

About Papers Delivered at The Symposium of Linguistic Onto-Genetics

Known Dates

Publication Date: March, 1985


Collections: grOnk

Genres: Catalogue

Tags: pataphysics

Archived File

Digitized by: gbetts, April 4, 2018

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