Synapsis Number 2/Runcible Spoon Special Canadian Issue

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Synapsis Number 2/Runcible Spoon Special Canadian Issue. Toronto: Ganglia Press, [C1970?]. Edited by bpNichol.

grOnk series 5 number 1.


Paul Dutton, Untitled
Hart Broudy, "from teh coffin of strange sighs: Amenhotep IV"
Nicholas Zurbrugg Kersey eng, Untitled
Scott Lawrence, "for el"
Andy Suknaski, "deer beep"
bpNichol, "the jiri valoch poem"
Michael Ondaatje, Untitled
Barry McKinnon, Untitled
Gary Fogarty, Untitled
Ivo Vroom, "signum I"
dezso k huba, Untitled
Dave Phillips, Untitled


About Synapsis Number 2/Runcible Spoon Special Canadian Issue

Known Dates

Publication Date: 1970


Genres: Poetry

Tags: concrete; Runcible Spoon; Synapsis

Archived File

Digitized by: Lori Emerson, October 25, 2019

License Holder(s)

The Estate of bpNichol

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