The Martyrology Book 5

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The Martyrology Book 5.
1982. Facsimile Edition, First Printing. 1994.
Toronto: Coach House Books, 1994.

From the Colophon: "Book V was structured on the idea of the chain -- chain of thot, chain of images, chain of events -- so that in writing when a branching of thot occurred i would try to follow all the chains that opened up. Hence, in the text, what may appear like a footnote numbers actually represent reading choices. As a reader you can continue thru the chain of ideas you're already following, or you can choose, at different points, to diverge & follow the chain of ideas the various numbered options represent (the numbers corresponding to the twelve different chains in the text). This means, of course, that no two readers will necessarily have the same experience of Book V, tho they will walk away with a similar sum. The gordian knot that Book V seems to become is also an untying of the first four books. In Book VI (which is coming into existence despite published statements to the contrary) this leads on into a number of independent, but conceptually & thematically linked, books. A book which is books & the chains of thot that thot will eventually lead into & out of. Toronto, May 30th 1982"

About The Martyrology Book 5

Known Dates

Publication Date: 1994

Known Contributors



Collections: Martyrology

Genres: Poetry

Tags: long poem

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