The Martyrology Book 6
By bpNichol. Designed by Stan Bevington and Jerry Ofo.

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The Martyrology Book 6.
1987. Second Edition, First Printing.
Toronto: Coach House Books, 1994.

From the Colophon: "First printed in January 1987 in an edition of 750 copies. Another 500 copies were printed in November, 1994 as a gift to the spirit of bp by the printers at the old Coach House, 401 Huron Street, on bpNichol Lane, Toronto."

About The Martyrology Book 6


ISBN-13: 0889103194

ISBN-13: 0889103194

Known Dates

Publication Date: 1994

First Publication Date: 1987 ?

Known Contributors

Stan Bevington


Jerry Ofo


Collections: Martyrology

Genres: Poetry

Tags: long poem

License Holder(s)

The Estate of bpNichol

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