Reading in Celebration of bpNichol (1988)
“Reading in Celebration of bpNichol” featuring Bob Cobbing, Hugh Metcalfe, and cris cheek at a pub in London. 4 November 1988
Bob Cobbing says in the introduction: “We are going to take some of his texts and attempt to perform them… All of his texts were meant for open performances, improvisations.”
Some of the texts performed include:
Dutton, Paul. “Sound Poetry”. (The Capilano Review, 1984).
Dutton, Paul, bpNichol, Steve McCaffery, and Rafael Barreto-Rivera. The Prose Tattoo: Selected Performance Scores (1983).
Nichol, bp. “Not What the Siren Sang But What the Frag Meant” (Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer, 1967)