Craft Dinner

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Craft Dinner.
Toronto: Aya Press, July 1978. 

The edition is limited to 631 copies, as follows; 5 copies hors commerce each containing an original poem / drawing; 26 lettered copies specially hand-bound, each containing a page from An Ilphabet Primer hand drawn by the author; 100 numbered copies bound in cloth, signed by the author; and 500 copies in paper wrappers. Designed by Paul Davies, and executed by Tim & Elke Inkster at the Porcupine's Quill, Erin, Ontario. Special copies bound by Séamas McClafferty.


About Craft Dinner


ISBN-13: 0920544029

ISBN-13: 0920544029

Known Dates

Publication Date: July, 1978

Known Contributors



Genres: Fiction

Tags: Fiction

Archived File

Digitized by: gbetts, November 9, 2015

License Holder(s)

The Estate of bpNichol

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